The clocks going back do not simply mean dank, dark nights and never ending evenings in front of the fire with the television on, it is also an open invitation for intruders everywhere. And with the Christmas season is around the corner, the potential burglars require little more encouragement.
Figures show a 20 percent rise in home break-ins during the winter season, and with houses packed with costly gifts and precious goodies, it can be an expensive combination for unfortunate homeowners & tenants. Here are some tips to beat the burglar on this festive season.

Have exterior security lighting:
Your home may be lightened up by festive lighting, but this won’t discourage most thieves. In fact, Christmas decorations can offer adequate disruptions when a burglar looks for an easy point of access to your property. Have a motion sensor flood light that’ll be switched on when anybody attempts to get access to your property. This way thieves are more likely to be discouraged from approaching your house, let alone trying to break-in.

Don’t mention your Christmas plans on social media:
No doubt Christmas is a time to be with family members and friends but if you are thinking about going away this holiday season, don’t let everyone know about your plan by putting it on social media. Letting people know that you’ll not be at home for a week is an open invitation to potential thieves who are always on the lookout for information that a property is vacant. So, just keep your holiday plans to yourself.

Invest on some plug-in timers:
Plug-in timers let you set lights and radios to be activated at a particular time of the day. The majority of intruders seek easy targets & if they believe there is somebody at home, there is a good chance they will stay away from your house.

Ensure someone is home to accept deliveries:
A growing number of people these days prefer to make their Christmas shopping online as it is definitely the best way to steer clear of long queues. If you are expecting a delivery, ensure someone is there to accept it. Don’t allow permission for packets to be left in front of the door where a potential burglar could quickly grab an early present of his own.

Have a good relationship with your neighbors:
Planning to be away from your house this holiday season? Ask your neighbor to keep an eye on your property when you aren’t there.
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