Wikipedia defines locksmith scams as: “The locksmith scam is a scam involving fake business listings for cheap locksmith services that, once called out, overcharge the customer. The scam targets people who call a locksmith out of desperation, usually because of being locked out of their car or premises.”
It is highly prevalent in the US.
It is very crucial to spot Locksmith scams. This will benefit the service seeker and also the legit service providers whose reputation is often marred by fraudsters.

Here are different ways you can find a legit locksmith and avoid falling into Locksmith scams:
Number one thing is a locksmith scammer always uses a call center, if you are switched to a call center hang up. The locksmith scammer will usually call you back three or four times
Do not rush into finalizing a locksmith. Always take your time when finalizing a locksmith else there are higher chances of getting duped by Locksmith scams. Always be on a hunt for the best locksmith. Look for references. Note down the contact details of those locksmiths people refer to the most.
Search and research a lot. Do not settle down to hire a locksmith only with minimum research. Check the background of the locksmith. Check for how long they have been in this business. Only after investing lots of effort and hardwork, should you settle down for the right locksmith services.

Check their repair service. A good service provider covers the services of repair and amendments. When you are looking for a locksmith, always check if they are willing to cover repairs within their services. A genuine locksmith will always look forward to returning customers. However a fraud one will never look forward to meeting you. This should be your number one hint.
Talk to previous customers. Only a person who has availed the services of a company can give you the exact details. Ask the person to brief you about the services. Do ask a few questions in particular like: for how long have they been taking the services? What was the initial service? How do they behave with their returning customers? How prompt are they in attending to the issues raised by the customers?
Only after you get a satisfactory responses from all corners do you settle for one locksmith service provider.
When looking for the best locksmith and to
avoid Locksmith scams, do call in to the office of Cave Creek Lock and Key LLC. We would love to explain to you the vast number of services we provide and would also help you with a quote of the services you are interested in.