Have you ever wondered if your business is equipped with the right kind of exit device? “Well, my exit is a door,” is the most widespread reply here, but it is critical to set up an exit device that provides the appropriate amount of safety & liability control, particularly if a large number of people work & shop within your building. Let’s find out from a professional Carefree locksmith what you should know regarding exit devices & why they are important for any business.
The different type of exit devices out there:
The 3 most widespread exit devices available today are touch bars, crossbars, and integral bars. These all function fundamentally the same manner; you push on them, and the door will unlatch & open, swinging outward.
There are many ways that these push bars can open doors, based on the kind of door & how secure you wish it to be but again, they all function on identical concepts. You’ve possibly noticed these push bars earlier, particularly in theatres, lobbies, and other large spaces.

Why exit devices are critical?
Exit devices help in assuring the safety of people who are panicking. If a gathering of people within the building begins to panic (for example, after seeing a fire outburst), they’ll usually dash to the exits. Sadly, frightened people are good at running away & nothing else; they usually can’t operate even plain door handles, particularly when being squeezed from behind by many other frightened people.
Regrettably, incorrect exit devices have been the leading cause of casualties during emergency circumstances in the past. To steer clear of this, companies started installing exit devices like push bars as these bars allow doors to mechanically open if there are a large number of people at the back of the door. By taking all the thought & effort out of the process, it turns out to be much safer to use.

No doubt, exit devices also help fulfil insurance needs or cut down on insurance premiums, depending upon the kind of building you have, so there are other advantages. Furthermore, even without a mob of panicking people, push bar operated doors tend to be quite popular; they are fast to use, and you can have both hands full while opening the door.
For more information on exit devices and how they can enhance the security of your building, feel free to get in touch with Cave Creek Lock. Our locksmiths in Carefree AZ would love to offer you a complimentary security assessment of your exit devices & panic bars.
This blog is originally posted here: https://cavecreeklock.wordpress.com/2020/04/02/the-importance-of-exit-devices-for-your-business/
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